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you can use the same log-in here. 
Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App. 

Need to Know


In Case You Missed It...
Weber Picture Day
Thursday, September 12th and Friday, September 13th.  
Students will have their picture taken during their scheduled physical education day and time.
 Weber Open House
Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30 PM

Meet your child's teachers and learn more about what is in store for this year at the Weber Open House, Weber Middle School 6:30 pm.

Detailed information can be found here


HSA meeting and Conversations with Principal Javeline

Wednesday, September 25th at 7PM in the Weber Library

Join us for an HSA meeting and Conversations with Principal Javeline.

Meet the HSA board, get updates and pointers for the year, and bring your questions for Mrs. Javeline. Stick around after the meeting for light refreshments. 


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Weber Calendar

Full Calendar

Social Media

Follow Weber on Instagram & X. Stay connected with other Weber parents and the HSA on Facebook and YouTube.

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Community & Outreach

Do More in Port Washington: Join Weber’s active community outreach efforts. Port Washington's Parents' Council works closely with community groups and food pantries to support families in need in Port Washington and beyond. Check back here for outreach events to participate in and if you know of a need within our school or community, please contact us at the HSA!

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Committees & Contacts

We would love your support at Weber! Volunteers are an integral part of the work the HSA does. We need your help! Our action and volunteerism will make a tremendous difference for our students - and for Weber's hardworking staff! Learn about Weber HSA's diverse volunteer opportunities. Connect with our committee chairs and other members!

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